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Counseling, Coaching, 
& Pastoral Care

At Destiny Church, we have seen an incredible need arise, not only in our church but in Naples, for Counselors, Coaches, and Pastoral Care. We know that sometimes finding the right person at the right time can be daunting. That's why we decided to offer resources on our site for you.

If you are unsure about who you should meet with, please either call or email us.

Learn more...

What is


Coaching focuses on achieving specific goals or improving performance in a particular area/s such as personal, spiritual, or professional.

These curated sessions are designed to help you grow and improve your personal life.

These sessions can be in person or online.

What is


Therapy targets deeply ingrained emotional patterns and addresses a wider spectrum of mental health issues. 


Counseling/Therapy is designed to help you work through past/current traumas and stress and help get peace, understanding, and direction for the future. 

These sessions can be in person or online.

What is

Pastoral Care

When you sign up for Pastoral Care you will meet with one of our staff Pastors or Elders who will help provide spiritual care through prayer and biblically based methods.

These sessions will typically be held on church property.

Meet The Team



Individual & Family Therapist, LMFT

DC Staff 2024-DSC09237-Bobbie-Greg_edite

Pastoral Care

Individual, Couples, & Family Counseling.

To book an appointment with one of our Staff Pastors or Elders, please call our church office at 239-592-7729

Please know that signing up for coaching and/or therapy may incur a fee that Destiny Church is not responsible for. Destiny Church does not hold the licensing for any coach or therapist. 

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